Damp walls - causes & solutions

Damp walls - causes & solutions

Causes of damp walls

Water and moisture are probably two of the worst enemies of masonry, as they can cause major damage in and on the walls.

Damp walls can have various causes. Often the existing Sealing system defective. Also incorrect ventilation and heating can be the cause:

Incorrect ventilation:

If the window is always tilted, there is hardly any air exchange. In addition, the masonry cools down and moisture condenses on this cold surface. Our tip: It's better to use shock ventilation.

Incorrect heating:

Walls can also become cold due to insufficient heating, which can cause condensation to form. This penetrates the building fabric.

But also Condensation and the resulting moisture and Water damage can damage your wall. The same applies to cracks in the masonry, thermal bridges, flooding, defective technical appliances or poorly sealed showers.

Cracks in the masonry:

Moisture and water can enter through these.

Thermal bridges:

These are caused by incorrect insulation. This can also cause moisture to build up again.


If the sealing is poor, water can enter the wall through the joints.

Defective technical devices:

Washing machines, dishwashers etc. can have leaks, which also cause them to lose water. This is a particular problem if they are close to a wall. If water damage has occurred, it is important to allow the masonry to dry long enough so that no moisture remains.

In older buildings, however, it is usually the lack of Horizontal barrier in the foundation, causing soil moisture from the foundation walls to rise capillary in the masonry. This moisture is not retained without a horizontal barrier and is one of the most common causes of damp walls.

The problem: Such damage is often only recognized late - namely when water stains or mould are already forming on the wall. It is therefore important to get to the bottom of the cause of wet walls before starting to dry and renovate the wall.

Bonus: This will also help you avoid unnecessary costs!


With a moisture value of the walls of via 2-3 % (= equilibrium humidity outside air-indoor air), a wall is described as damp. Stains caused by damp on walls are the most reliable indicator. The cause of damp walls must be found and rectified as soon as possible, as the consequences of damp walls can in the worst case be dry rot, flaking plaster or stubborn mold after a while.

If you notice damp walls in your house, cellar or apartment, you should act quickly - get in touch with us - we can help you dry out damp walls quickly and efficiently with our mechanical process.

You benefit from our many years of knowledge and our conscientious work!

How to recognize damp walls

Damp or wet walls can often be recognized by several signs:

If you discover one or more of these signs in your home, it is best to contact an expert immediately to find a quick and sustainable solution.

A closer look at two clear signs of damp walls

We have listed two clear signs of damp walls in more detail for you here:


There are various reasons for mold damage in living spaces, for example insufficient ventilation, inadequate heating or structural defects such as thermal bridges or insufficient insulation of the foundation wall. If the difference between the wall surface temperature and the indoor air temperature is too great, humidity condenses on the walls and causes mold growth.

The infestation usually manifests itself as gray to black spots (black mold) - sometimes colored areas also occur. The causes must always be tackled immediately and thoroughly at the base, i.e. by renovating the wall.


The reason for this is that the salts dissolved in the soil moisture form crystals on the wall surfaces as they evaporate. This crystalline chemical state has a larger volume than the liquid state. The result is the crumbling of paint and plaster, which in turn leads to staining.

The cause must be sustainably remedied and eliminated. Simple scraping or plastering will not solve the problem permanently!

As experts, we can help you with our efficient mechanical stainless steel barrier process, which we have developed over the years!

HW wall drainage - damp walls


If you notice any of the above symptoms of damp on your walls in your living space or cellar, it may be either surface damp or genuine masonry damp (core damp).

Surface moisture does not penetrate as deeply into the wall, whereas core moisture affects the entire masonry cross-section.


Damp walls on the surface are usually caused by insufficient air circulation - this affects bathrooms, kitchens, washrooms and cellars. High humidity often prevails here. Increased regular ventilation is the first preventative step against this type of damp.


Core moisture can also develop from surface moisture over a longer period of time. In most cases, however, the origin of core moisture lies in a structural defect: the lack of a horizontal barrier! In this case, a subsequent structural intervention is required to create a tight barrier to interrupt the capillary rise.

Why is a missing horizontal barrier often the problem?

A missing or defective horizontal barrier in the masonry is often a major issue in older buildings. It is therefore one of the most common causes of damp walls in such buildings.

Without this barrier, water or moisture can rise from the ground or surrounding soil and penetrate the masonry. This is because porous building materials have a so-called "capillary" absorption capacity. This means that water can rise through interconnected pores in the building material - right into the wall. 

The solution here is to renovate the masonry to a certain extent with the help of a horizontal barrier. With this method, you can quickly get dry walls again and avoid high costs for consequential damage.

Consequences of permanent moisture

Unfortunately, damp in brickwork is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but also has far-reaching consequences.


If mold forms, our health also suffers. It can cause infections, eye and skin irritation and respiratory diseases.


If a room feels damp due to excessive humidity, we quickly feel uncomfortable. The quality of living suffers.

Unattractive appearance:

If the house walls are permanently damp, plaster and paint peel off. Your own home will quickly no longer feel like a home.

Damage to the house:

Damage caused by damp walls should be repaired professionally, otherwise the building fabric will also be damaged in the long term. This usually results in a reduction in the value of the entire property.

Rising heating costs:

Moisture absorption of just 4 % can reduce thermal insulation by half, which is reflected in rising heating costs.

How to deal with damp walls correctly

If you suspect that your masonry or wall has become damp, the aim is to dry it out again as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is as follows:

Visual inspection:

Do you notice stains caused by water/salt, peeling plaster, peeling wallpaper or mold stains?

Measure humidity:

Moisture cannot be clearly felt. There are therefore a number of devices that you can use to measure the moisture in walls. The values are usually given in digits. However, these do not provide completely accurate values and the results must be evaluated correctly. Therefore, such a measurement only provides initial information.

Clarify the cause:

Is a possible cause recognizable? Here you often have to think around corners, as water does not just flow straight ahead. In a multi-storey house, the building plan can help, for example, to identify which rooms have overlapping walls and where the moisture may be coming from.

Notify the landlord:

This applies to rented apartments. You should discuss with him how to proceed to dry the masonry.

Have damp walls drained:

Consult a professional to avoid high costs when drying the wall and to obtain a long-term solution. DIY solutions can quickly lead to the further spread of mold or result in more complex procedures with higher costs.

In most cases, a simple drill test on the wall with drill dust analysis is sufficient for the professional to determine with certainty whether the wall is wet or dry. If the drilling dust is kneadable and deformable as a result of the moisture, the wall is damp to such an extent that something needs to be done about it. If the drilling dust is dry and dusty, the wall is also dry.

We at HW Mauertrockenlegung save you lengthy and cost-intensive analyses!

You can rely on us, our process and our partners!


Our HW wall drying is one of the most effective and most sustainable solutions against damp walls. Rust and acid-resistant stainless steel plates are mechanically driven through the wall and form a permanent horizontal barrier against capillary rising damp.

The most important thing about HW wall drying is that the wall is separated and sealed in just one work step and the flow of force in the wall is never interrupted - subsidence and cracking don't stand a chance!

HW wall drying - horizontal barrier

We use our specially developed, mutually overlapping stainless steel panels for refurbishment, which form a permanently tight, horizontal barrier against capillary rising damp. The arrowhead-like design of the front edge of the insulating panels reduces penetration resistance and surface friction when hammered in. The HW point on the front of the insulating panels means that less impact energy is required - shocks and vibrations are reduced when driving into the wall.

Our Maintenance-free horizontal barrier helps reliably and permanently against rising damp. We haven't seen a house twice in 45 years!

Are you looking for a competent partner in your area who uses our strong process and on whom you can rely? We are currently represented by 35 license partners in Europe. Contact us or find them yourself via our website our partners in your area.

Having damp walls drained - your advantages

In addition to eliminating the causes of wall damage and health risks, wall drying also has other advantages.

Here is a summary of the positive aspects of drainage by HW wall drying:

Do you want to say goodbye to damp walls in your bathroom, cellar etc. forever?

Then contact us today - we look forward to renovating your walls!


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